領事団の皆さんと共に。Global Talk Session Under COVID19にて

神戸開港150年を機に創設 関西グローバル協会(KGS)

カテゴリ:神戸, 経済人

Mr. William Foran, Member of the Kobe Club & the Japan-American Society of Osaka

フォラン・ケイさん(神戸外国倶楽部会員・JAWK International会員)
Mrs. Kei Foran, Member of the Kobe Club & the JAWK International




「Global Talk Session Under COVID19」9月18日、神戸外国倶楽部で開催

パンデミックが続く中、これからのグローバリゼーションの方向性を考える場として開催されたグローバル トーク セッション。
「新たなグローバルマネジメント」と題した講演でバイエル薬品㈱日本法人社長Heike Prinz氏はコロナ禍を「グッド(良い)」「クライシス(危機)」と表現し、「良い危機を無駄にしてはならない」とアピール。 「営業チームは顧客と直接顔を合わせて医師の方々に製品を知ってもらうため努力してきました。しかしコロナ禍では自粛せざるを得なくなり、当社で取り組んできたデジタルと訪問を組み合わせたカスタムアプローチが一気に加速しました。突然リモートワークになった社員には困惑もありましたが、ここ数カ月でこの状況にも慣れ、管理職は部下を信頼することを覚えその状況は非常にうまくいっています」など、その実例を挙げて解説した。
イタリア総領事のLuigi Diodati氏は「日本でのワクチン開発はおそらく大阪の研究が最も進んでいる」とし、大阪大学ウイルス学教授でAnges Inc.創設者の森下竜一氏から直接聞いた研究の進捗状況について紹介した。さらに「コロナウイルスはワクチン開発にあたって多様なアプローチが可能です。イタリアをはじめ、各国でさまざまな手法を使う研究が進められ注目されていますが、手法が異なるため国内、また国際的にも連携は容易ではありません」と、ワクチン開発の難しい側面も紹介した。
その後、質疑・応答、コロナ対策をとった着席ディナー、「Duo Vionet」の演奏と続き和やかな交流の場となった。

KGS E-mail: kansai_global@icloud.com


領事団の皆さんと共に。Global Talk Session Under COVID19にて

Kansai Global Society (KGS)
– established in commemoration of the 150th Anniversary of the Kobe Port opening to the world

The Kansai Global Society (KGS) was established as a non-profit organization in Kobe in 2018 to enhance public awareness for global perspectives. The proposers/organizers talk about their objectives and contents of their activities.

– How was the KGS founded and what are the objectives?
The year 2018 celebrated big milestones: The 150th Anniversary of the Meiji Restoration and the Kobe Port opening to the world. Internationalization has advanced quickly in Japan since then, however, diverse cultures existing around the world may not be fully understood or appreciated. Our mission in starting the KGS was to create opportunities for globally minded people to meet and exchange information in Kansai. The KGS began showing initiatives from Kobe, which promote global understanding beyond national, cultural and language barriers.
Around the same time as the Kobe Port opened to the world, five consulate offices were established in the former Kobe Foreign Settlement, including American and British Consulates. This was the origin of the Kansai Consular Corps that also celebrated its 150th Anniversary. The KGS collaborates with the consulate offices and introduces each country’s culture, values and business opportunities with their cooperation. Regretfully, many of the Consulates General moved from Kobe to Osaka after the Great Kobe-Awaji Earthquake of 1995 hit the Kobe area, leaving only two Consulates General, namely Panama & South Korea in Kobe. In fact, Osaka is growing its power as the center of the Kansai economy. It may not be possible for many Consulates General to move back to Kobe, but Kobe is their hometown. It is our wish to welcome the consulate members in Kobe when the KGS hosts international programs.

– What kind of activities has KGS developed?
The KGS hosted a few International Evenings during 2019, starting with an “Italian Evening”, followed by a “Latin American Evening” to bid farewell to the outgoing Panama Consul General, and a “German Evening”. Inviting Consuls General and Honorary Consuls of different nations, the International Evenings offered the participants a chance to deepen their exchanges with different cultures.
In 2020, the KGS was handling administration for the “International Women’s Day (IWD) Festival” to be held on March 7th, as a part of its objectives for promoting the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) set by the United Nations. It was with deep regret that we cancelled this program due to the growing pandemic. The IWD Committee is now planning to host the “International Women’s Day” next March 2021. The KGS’ other plans for 2020 were all held up under the Pandemic. This could not be helped at the time, but the KGS explored other possibilities and decided to host a Global Talk Session in a seminar style by limiting the number of participants to protect everyone’s health & safety.

“Global Talk Session under COVID 19” held at the Kobe Club on Sept. 18th

The Global Talk Session was held to examine the direction of globalization under the ongoing Pandemic.
Bayer Pharmaceutical Japan President Heike Prinz talked about “New Global Management”, and stressed the importance of business innovations that make the pandemic “a good crisis”. “Our Sales Teams’ approach used to be based on introducing our products to clients by visiting and talking with them in person. However, under the Corona pandemic they are no longer able to continue to use the same tactic. They ramped up a new custom approach, which was already encouraged by our company, combining digital information sharing and personal visits. The employees were confused as they were suddenly requested to work remotely from their homes, but they adjusted to the new working style within a few months. The management on the other hand has learned to rely on their subordinates. The situation has developed a good working environment,” said President Prinz, based on the actual cases.
Italian Consul General Luigi Diodati spoke on “Vaccine Developments in Japan & Europe”. He mentioned that the Japanese research development is most advanced in Osaka. Based on his visit to Dr. Ryuichi Morishita, virology professor at Osaka University and founder of Anges Inc., he introduced us to the professor’s research progress as he learned directly from him. He further mentioned that different methods can be adopted in the fight against the virus. The world is watching a number of vaccine research projects, developing in a number of counties including Italy. “While different methods are used, collaboration at the national and international levels is not very easy,” said CG Diodati indicating a difficult aspect of such research projects.
The presentations were followed by a QA session, and then a sit-down dinner was served under social distancing. Friendly conversations filled the tables and pleasant music played by “Duo Vionet” completed the program for the evening.

KGS E-mail: kansai_global@icloud.com

Luigi Diodati氏(イタリア総領事)

Heike Prinz氏(バイエル薬品㈱日本法人社長)

Duo Vionet
Martin Koehler クラリネット
Natsumi Shibata バイオリン

Global Talk Session Under COVID19

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